Reporting scope and boundary
This integrated report of Lavastone Ltd (“Lavastone” or the “Company”) communicates information relating to its strategy, business model, operating context, operational performance, material risks and opportunities and governance practices for the period 01 October 2022 to 30 September 2023. The report aims to provide all stakeholders with sufficient and relevant information to help them assess the strength of the Group over the short, medium and long term.
This report covers the activities of Lavastone, its subsidiaries and associate (collectively referred to as
“Lavastone Properties” or the “Group”).
Applications frameworks and guidelines
- The International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”)
- The guidelines contained within the Integrated Reporting Framework provided by the International Integrated Reporting Council (“IIRC”)
- The National Code on Corporate Governance 2016 (“the Code”)
- The DEM Rules
- The Companies Act 2001
- The Securities Act 2005
Our approach to materiality
This report covers information and matters we believe to be material. A matter is considered material if Lavastone Properties’ senior management and those responsible for the governance of the organisation believe it could significantly impact the value created and delivered in the short, medium and long term.
Board’s responsibility statement
The Board of Directors of Lavastone Properties acknowledges its responsibility for ensuring the integrity of this report. The Board considers that this report offers a fair representation of the Group’s integrated performance.
We are committed to improving our reporting practices each year for the benefit of all our stakeholders. We encourage you to share your views and comments on our integrated report by emailing us on

Our Mission
Partnering with our stakeholders to deliver superior value in design, quality, sustainability and services.

Our Vision
To be the preferred partner for commercial real estate solutions, while delivering optimum returns, to our shareholders.

Our Values
We seek to unleash our capacity to quickly and best understand opportunities and threats so we can adapt accordingly, choosing the most appropriate course of action and energetically implementing it.
We foster a family spirit built on integrity to encourage sustainable communities.
We understand we are not perfect and aim to learn from others through each encounter, in order to keep improving.
We constantly push beyond our limits, challenging the status quo with innovative solutions.