Lavastone Properties
Lavastone Ltd is a public company incorporated in Mauritius on 05th March 2012. Its registered office is located at 6, Edith Cavell Street, EDITH, Port Louis, Mauritius. Lavastone Ltd is listed on the Development and Enterprise Market (the “DEM”) of the Stock Exchange of Mauritius.
Lavastone Ltd trades under the brand name of Lavastone Properties. The company acquires, develops, leases and manages a portfolio of commercial and industrial properties in Mauritius and Rodrigues island
Name of Company:
Lavastone Ltd
Name of Company:
Lavastone Ltd
Trade Name:
Lavastone Properties
Trade Name:
Lavastone Properties
Date of incorporation:
05 March 2012
Date of incorporation:
05 March 2012
Place of incorporation and registration:
Place of incorporation and registration:
Business Registration Number:
Business Registration Number:
Registered Office:
1st floor, EDITH,
6 Edith Cavell Street, Port Louis.
Registered Office:
1st floor, EDITH, 6 Edith Cavell Street, Port Louis.
Rental of commercial and office space:
Rental of commercial and office space:
Telephone number:
Telephone number:

Creation of Cim Property.
December 2012Acquisition of 50% of Edith Cavell Properties from Rogers.
December 2015Sales to the government of 917.37m2 of bare land at Pailles (under compulsory acquisition).
February 2016Acquisition of La Chaussée Building (ex Happy World House).
December 2016Acquisition of 14,248m2 of Pas Géométriques lease at Belle Mare.
March 2017Acquisition of strategic properties in Port Louis currently operated as parking sites in St Georges street and corner of Mere barthelemy.
December 2017Acquisition of 100 arpents at Choisy Estate by South West Safari Group. Amalgamation of SWSG and CSBO2 with SWSG being the surviving entity.
December 2017- Sale of 52.9 hectares of 'Eden' Property at Chamarel by South West Safari Group.
- Start of construction for 246 Edith Cavell Court.
- Rebranding to Lavastone Properties.
- Listing on DEM.
- Acquisition of Mourouk Ebony Hotel.
Start of construction works for the hotel in Belle Mare to be leased to Attitude Hotels
April 2019Opening of 246 Edith Cavell Court
December 2019Integration of Lavastone Services Ltd (formerly Lochiel Property Services Ltd)
June 2020Start of renovations and extension of PLAY Mourouk Hotel
April 2021Opening of Sunrise Attitude Hotel
October 2021Acquisition of Absa House
June 2022Inauguration of Victoria Urban Terminal
July 2022